
A Change is Coming.....

I've been through a lot of changes this past year or two.....
My son went off to college and I realized I was suddenly living alone for the first time since 1991,
I decided to start dating, felt in love,  felt heartbreak,
thought about a career change.....or two, or just relocating,
declared I was tired of the gloomy Oregon winters, and made up my mind to try something new and leave as soon as we enjoyed one more great summer in Portland.

So.... I leased my house out for a year.
Sold most of my belongings.
Bought a Traverse.
Put a carrier on top and a bike rack on back.
Loaded it as full as I could.
Made room for Buddy (our golden retriever)
and left Portland....

I had an all day meeting with a client in Seattle on Thursday Aug 29th, and there was No Way that my house was going to be empty and clean and ready to leave. Therefore, I convinced my mom to come help me. She worked so hard, bless her heart! And, she also didn't want to say goodbye, so....

Mom drove to Seattle too, got stuck in a major rain storm and was sitting on I-5 between Olympia and Tacoma for 4 hours!

Friday we took a much-needed spa day together in Woodinville, which mom totally deserved after all she had done to help me!

Saturday morning I packed and repacked some things in my car, looked a the map, loaded Buddy, then headed for Boise. My plan: to take my time and make it to Boston.

I quickly discovered that a grande, triple shot, 6 pump hazelnut latte could keep me going for 8 hours if I combined it with 3 Wellness Formula capsules, every 3 hours.  wow!  I was flying....

After a couple nights with my girlfriend in Boise, I headed for Colorado. Passed through Utah and into Wyoming. 
Bought a cowgirl hat at a truck stop. 
Filled the gas tank numerous times. 

Stayed a couple nights with more good friends in Denver, and headed to Kansas.

I knew I was in Kansas when I passed a hurricane/twister tracker mobile - Ha!

Stopped and ate dinner with my son in Lawrence (Buddy was so happy to see Landen and get out of the car), then I headed to my friend's house in Kansas City. She had the nicest gift bag waiting for me!

Having spent over $500 in gas, I decided to stay awhile in Kansas City.
Besides, I am a Jayhawk fan now and basketball season will begin soon....
For all my friends I planned to stay with between KC and Boston - don't lose hope, I may still head that way, but for now I am enjoying some Rock Chalk Choice Awards and time with my handsome son!

Because I am 46 years old, believe I can do anything I want to do, and am not afraid of the word 'No',
I decided to walk into a couple local TV stations yesterday, pitch a few ideas, explain that I have no reel and no current broadcast experience.....but that I thought it would be great to use my University of Oregon Journalism degree, passion for sports, and creative ideas,  and do some special segments or learn to do courtside/sideline sports reporting!  I had some great brainstorming sessions and made some good connections, so...... we'll see what happens next. In the meantime, I will continue to do curriculum design and corporate training. But just wait...... my big break by still be out there - in the heartland of America.

Stay tuned!


  1. Dear Shelley,
    Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures and how your journey changes you! Intelligent, brave and beautiful, the world awaits your gifts!! Hugs, Rebecca

  2. Wow, Shelley! Go for it! Sounds like a book waiting to happen.... Keep us posted! Definitely a new chapter. Kris

  3. Shelley, this is great! Keep me posted on the sports reporting venture! You're very ambitious and creative!! God honors diligence and your passion! God bless you! Marcus
